Vladimir Blazek
Emeritus & Senior Advisor, Chair for Medical Information Technology, Helmholtz-Institute for Biomedical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Title of Talk
“Photoplethysmography Imaging (PPGI): selected notes on history, etymology, today´s modi operandi and new horizons”
Speaker Bio
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vladimir Blazek, Dr. h.c., is Emeritus & Senior Advisor, Chair for Medical Information Technology, Helmholtz-Institute for Biomedical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University. He received his Dr.-Ing. in 1979 form RWTH Aachen University. His research, teaching and working areas include Biomedical optics & optoelectronics in medicine; Biomedical sensors; Tissue optics; Photon-biotissue interaction; Modelling and simulation of human hemodynamics; Optical imaging systems; Functional hybrid imaging (PPGI & IRTI); Remote Pain and Stress detection; Neonatal and Palliative biomedical care; European integration and co-operation in the field of university education; CTU rector’s delegate for university cooperation between Prague and Aachen. He has more than 350 publications in books, journals und conference proceedings, with an h-index of 24. He has more than 40 patents and patent registrations in Germany and abroad. He is a member of multiple university and governmental commissions, scientific societies and scientific journals’ advisory boards. He has conducted research and teaching in over eight countries, in multiple universities. He has received numerous awards during his tenure including the Felber Medal of CTU Prague in gold.