Wenjin Wang
Philips Research, Eindhoven University of Technology
Title of Talk
“Robust camera-PPG in near infrared and its applications”
Speaker Bio
Dr. Wenjin Wang is an assistant professor at Eindhoven University of Technologye (TU/e), The Netherlands, and scientist at Philips Research, The Netherlands. He received his PhD from TU/e in 2017, with the PhD thesis “Robust and Automatic Remote Photoplethysmography”. He obtained his MSc (with full scholarship) in artificial intelligence from University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in 2013, and his BSc in biomedical engineering (top class) from Northeastern University, China, in 2011
His earlier work in camera-based physiological measurement led to various journal and conference articles, patent applications and grants, and systems/prototypes will be ended in products. His areas of expertise include physiological measurement, signal and image processing, computer vision and machine learning. His current research focus is on contactless health monitoring for healthcare. On behalf of Philips Research, he collaborates with universities and hospitals to acquire research funding (e.g. Dutch Government ZonMw, H2020) for PhD projects. He is also active in academia like organizing workshops and sessions at the top IEEE conferences. He co-founded the International Workshop on Computer Vision for Physiological Measurement (CVPM) and chaired this workshop four times on CVPR/ICCV (2018-2021). He was invited to give three times of tutorials on CVPR (2019-2021). He is currently organizing two special issues on the journals of IEEE-JBHI and MDPI Sensors. He was invited by Elsevier publisher to edit/write a book on “Contactless vital signs monitoring”.
Webpage: https://www.tue.nl/en/research/researchers/wenjin-wang